

There are four main skin types; normal, dry, combination and oily. If you have oily skin, then you will understand the challenge with controlling it throughout the day. 
  • 3 min read

There is no doubting the excitement travel plans can bring. While you’re packing your shorts and sunglasses, don’t forget about your skincare too to keep you glowing all summer long! 

Let us take you through the ways you can keep your skin nourished while travelling. 

  • 3 min read

Visiting a spa for a relaxing massage or rejuvenating facial is undeniable bliss and a special treat. A spa experience is unlike no other kind of relaxation, but for those days you can’t visit the spa (sadly not every day is a spa day!), we have our restorative self-care routine you can do from the comfort of your own home.  

Whether you choose to do all the steps or just a few, you will find each one a welcome addition when you need to pamper yourself. 

  • 3 min read
Combination skin is a skin type that combines different attributes. Genetics, climate, lifestyle and diet can affect people with combination skin in different ways. Let’s take a deeper look at how combination skin is defined and how to care for it. 
  • 3 min read
Meet the team! This month we are getting to know ishga's Development Coordinator, Laura Robertson.
  • 2 min read
Have you ever looked in the mirror in the morning and wondered why your face appears to be more puffy than usual? Well, you are not alone... 
  • 3 min read

We all know how important it is to moisturise. It’s an essential step in your skincare routine to keep skin supple, hydrated, and healthy. However, did you know that skin can be overhydrated? 

Let’s look at signs of overhydration and how to avoid it. 

  • 2 min read

You may have heard us talking about using products like our Exfoliating Face Mask to remove dead skin cells. However, did you know that skin cells go through a skin cycle? And that these skin cycles can vary with everyone? 

Let’s take a closer look at the life cycle and how it can affect our skin. 

  • 2 min read
Preparing to get married is an exciting and busy time. Large wedding or small, the organisation and planning that goes into that one day can often lead to stress and feeling overwhelmed. Let’s not make skincare one of your stressors; we have you covered and can help you get glowing skin for the big day ahead! 
  • 3 min read

If you are already familiar with skincare and have an established routine, you will have probably heard the phrase ‘cleanse and tone’ at some point. The cleanse stage refers to the cleaning of your skin, but what is toning the skin? And why should we be doing it? 

Let’s take a closer look at this key skincare step. 

  • 3 min read

When it comes to moisturising, hand care is often not prioritised as much as our faces. Our hands are exposed to the elements every day, so it's important to regularly moisturise and keep them hydrated. 

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of taking care of our hands. 

  • 2 min read

When it comes to looking after our bodies, it’s important to know what we’re putting into them and onto them. At ishga, we only use the best high quality, organic ingredients in our products that are safe and kind to your skin and body. However, there are ingredients in many common products that we should be aware of to take care of ourselves, one group being known as ‘Endocrine disruptors’. 

Let’s take a closer look at these and how to avoid them. 

  • 3 min read
